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Britney Spears

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Britney Spears Instagram
Britney Spears


This blazer is simply classic !!!!! Thank you again for this sick jacket @AlexanderMcQueen ✨⭐️ !!!!!

2020-07-16 07:10
Britney Spears Instagram
Britney Spears


Rihanna …… your music makes me FEEL like I’ve never felt before ⭐️ !!!! “Never Ending” is my favorite song off of the ANTI album ….. I feel like I’m flying with this song …… thank you !!!

2020-07-15 07:43
Britney Spears Instagram
Britney Spears


Billie ⭐️ !!!!! I know ..... I should makeup on and brush my hair but I just wanna dance !!!!!  ⁣ ⁣ @billieeilish

2020-07-15 07:19
Britney Spears Instagram
Britney Spears


2020-07-15 05:50
Britney Spears Instagram
Britney Spears



2020-07-14 04:46
Britney Spears Instagram
Britney Spears


⭐️ #HansZatzka

2020-07-14 04:00
Britney Spears Instagram
Britney Spears


God is in the small stuff and it all matters !!!!!!

2020-07-14 02:01
Britney Spears Instagram
Britney Spears


It’s nice to go outside and shoot .... the natural light always reveals the magic in the eyes ☀️ !!!!!!  Ps no photoshop on this photo !!!!!!

2020-07-11 05:18
Britney Spears Instagram
Britney Spears


I get how some people might not like my posts or even understand them, but this is Me being happy ….. this is Me being authentic and as real as it gets !!!!! I want to inspire people to do the same and just be themselves without pleasing others ….. that’s the key to happiness !!!!!!

2020-07-11 02:31
Britney Spears Instagram
Britney Spears


I made cherry muffins with brown sugar this morning …. I left them in the oven just a touch longer so they would be crisp ..... I prefer the BITE !!!!!!!! Pssss I would show you a pic of my muffins …… but anything I make in the kitchen with my two hands goes in my stomach GOD BLESS YOU ALL !!!!!!

2020-07-10 05:41
Britney Spears Instagram
Britney Spears


This is so cool the sky looks red .... almost like Mars !!!!! Psss I heard on the news about a new planet in our solar system called Planet Nine !!!!!!!  I wonder what’s on this planet ...... or is it a planet at all ?????

2020-07-10 03:20
Britney Spears Instagram
Britney Spears


What’s up, world ???? I’m rooting for you !!!!!!!

2020-07-10 01:52
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