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Britney Spears

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Britney Spears Instagram
Britney Spears


Answering some more of your questions .... ps if I sound like I have a lisp it’s because I just got a retainer !!!!

2020-07-24 08:36
Britney Spears Instagram
Britney Spears


A lot of people underestimate children !!!! I used to teach kids dance every weekend … it was one of my most passionate joys !!!!! No mind equals higher consciousness …. that means a lot of adults think children are less educated .... yet they are the ones that only use their hearts and instincts !!!!  This is a picture I’d like to share of a girl only using her heart and by doing so it gives only light ...  I mean IT’S OBVIOUS how beautiful it is to pay NO MIND ☀️❤️✨ !!!! Pssss paying no mind to stress also makes you look better and carrying the responsibility of always worrying ages you ... in other words ... use your heart over your head !!!!

2020-07-24 03:00
Britney Spears Instagram
Britney Spears


2020-07-23 08:22
Britney Spears Instagram
Britney Spears


This is what happens when your third eye opens .... you connect to a higher source of light and energy ✨☀️ !!!!

2020-07-23 06:42
Britney Spears Instagram
Britney Spears


Some say they smell the fragrance of roses while communicating with angels in prayer or meditation …. did you know !?!?! I didn’t either !!!! Ps angels use rose scents as signs of their spiritual presence because roses have energy fields that vibrate at a high electrical frequency … the highest of any flower on Earth !!!!!! Pssss …. in other words buy some damn roses !!!!!

2020-07-22 07:43
Britney Spears Instagram
Britney Spears


2020-07-22 05:09
Britney Spears Instagram
Britney Spears


This picture is your third eye …. the third eye is the locus of occult power and wisdom !!!! It also refers to the gate that leads to the inner realms and spaces of higher consciousness …. in spirituality terms it is the state of enlightenment having deeply spiritual significance !!!! The third eye can get blocked or damaged due to anxiety so you have to stay in touch with it ….. especially since it has to be open to work spiritually !!!!! I hope you can understand more about your third eye by reading this ✨ !!!!

2020-07-22 04:35
Britney Spears Instagram
Britney Spears


2020-07-21 01:41
Britney Spears Instagram
Britney Spears


Who would have thunk it ?!?! After all this time in my life I’m just now learning that no makeup is the way to go .... I mean …. a little makeup is fun but after spending so much time in hair and makeup chairs to look flawless .... I think a natural look is the way to go …. it makes you look waaaay younger and so much better !!!! Pssss YES .... I know I’m wearing mascara in this !!!!

2020-07-21 01:26
Britney Spears Instagram
Britney Spears


2020-07-18 05:03
Britney Spears Instagram
Britney Spears


2020-07-18 04:54
Britney Spears Instagram
Britney Spears


My secret is simply this ... I pray !!!!! There’s a spear in the photo y’all .... Spears .... GET IT !?!? Sorry had to \ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffc‍♀️ !!!!!

2020-07-17 04:25
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