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Jackson Wang 王嘉爾 왕잭슨

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Super X vibe #jacksonwang #?? #王嘉爾 #SuperX #雪花 #成都 #TEAMWANG #谢谢你们 #感恩 #blessed

2018-08-14 23:40
王嘉尔 Instagram


??\ud574??? ?? ?\ud558\ud574? Teen Choice Awards: Next Big Thing ? ?? ??? ??? \ud65c? \ud558?? ?? ???? ??? ????? ?? ???? ? \ud589?\ud574? ?? ?? ?\ud130 ????? ??\ud574??? ?\ud574\ud574?? ???? \ud56d?. ??? ? ?? ??? \ud300??? ??? ???? ?? ?\ud130 ??? ? ??? ???? ?? ???? ??? ???? ??? ?? ??? ? ?\ud574??? ???? ???? ??? ??? \ud55c\ud14c ???? \ud574? ?? ?? ? ?? \ud560? ? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? \ud558? ??? ??\ud55c? ???? ??? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? ?\ud558? ??? ??\ud574? ?? ? ??\ud788 \ud574? ? ?? ?? ? ?? ?? ?? ??\ud55c? ? ?? ?? ????? . 恭喜你们拿奖了 Teen Choice Awards: Next Big Thing 是属于你们的奖 比起一切,我最感恩的是 你们认识我 王嘉尔 这个人 从开始到现在都 那么了解我,支持我,相信我 真的非常谢谢你们 你们和我 我们是一个Team 享受好的时候 在不好的时候,从中学习,变得更强 不要被负能量影响你 没有东西能够 影响你,除非你自己介意 要做的事 太多了 要走了路 太长了 我们自己的事都忙不过来 做好自己 做好我们 我会更努力 做更好的音乐,更好的舞台, 更重要的是 做更好的 王嘉尔 Jackson Wang . I don’t even know what to say I still can’t believe it happened You all made it happen Congrats to all of you because you all did it Teen Choice Awards: Next Big Thing It belongs to you all Aside from being a singer or an entertainer I feel much Blessed to have all of you, to even “know” me as a person Thank you for believing in me Never feel left out because we are a team Enjoy the Good times Learn from the bad times Never let the negative vibe affect you Nothing can affect you until YOU yourself care There are too much to do A long long way to go Too busy to work on our own stuff Let’s just focus on us. Me myself, will always work harder to have Better music, better performances, And most importantly I will be a better Jackson Wang . #TeenChoiceAwards #NextBigThing #blessed #thankyouall #love #TEAMWANG #jacksonwang #?? #王嘉爾 #2018 #JYP

2018-08-13 21:10
王嘉尔 Instagram


Finals ? ?? \ud560???? ?? ????? ?? ???? ??? ? ? ?? ??\ud560??? ??? ??? \ud604?? ???? ?? ??\ud558? ?? ?\ud488 ?? ?? ??\ud574??? ??\ud574? ??? ??? ?? ??\ud574? ?? ???? . 荣幸可以在 王者荣耀冠军杯总决赛 表演 更开心的是,可以在现场看到你们?? 谢谢你们一直以来支持我,我的音乐,我的一切 非常想你们 也真的非常感恩?? . An honor to perform at the finals, Even more happy to see you all, it’s been a while Thanks for coming and show love to me, my work, my music and everything about me I missed you guys alot So blessed to have you all?? . #王者荣耀冠军杯总决赛 #jacksonwang #?? #王嘉爾 #TEAMWANG #2018 #Fendiman #thankyou #blessed #现场看到你们很开心 @xxboytoy

2018-08-12 03:51
王嘉尔 Instagram


。 Singapore 新加坡 #jacksonwang #?? #王嘉爾 #Singapore #stolesomephotos

2018-08-03 16:46
王嘉尔 Instagram



2018-07-23 22:40
王嘉尔 Instagram


. Chile ! ?\ud504?? ?? ??\ud22c?? ??? ?????? ??? ?? ?? ?? \ud558??? ?? ?? \ud558???? ???? ? ??? ?? ?? ?? ???? \ud55c? ??? ? ? ???? \ud588??? ?? ??\ud558?! ?? ??\ud558? ???? ?? ?????? ?? ? ?? ???? \ud574? . Chile! 非常遗憾地要说 这是我们这一次之旅最后的一站,现在都在准备,在重新充电 但你们实在是太热情了,在走的路上我们还在说 非常感谢你们,肯定会回来!?? 我们再见! . Chile ! It’s really sad to even say it’s our last stop on this trip. Now we are all preparing AND recharging.It was such a good memory in Chile, very memorial how passionate you all were! We were still talking about it on our way back, and we promise we would come back again!?? Thank you so much . Chile! Me vuelves loco!?? Cada hora que paso contigo me parece un segundo #eyesonyoutour #got7worldtour2018 #Chile #GOT7

2018-07-22 14:11
王嘉尔 Instagram


#Korea #jacksonwang #?? #王嘉爾 #noSHAVE

2018-07-20 18:29
王嘉尔 Instagram


. Argentina! ??\ud574?! ?? ?? ??? ?? ????! ?? ??? ?? ?? ?? ?? ???? ??????! ? ?? ???! ?? Argentina! . 非常感谢一切! 实在太精彩了 还是不能想象有这么多人来到现场 肯定会回来! 到时候见?? . Argentina ! Thank you so much for everything it was fire Still couldn’t believe there were so many people Will be back! Stay Sexy !! ?? . Argentina! Gracias por todo, esto fue maravilloso No puedo creer que haya habido tanta gente. Regresaremos Ustedes son gradiosos?? . #jacksonwang #?? #王嘉爾 #got7worldtour2018 #GOT7 #eyesonyoutour #argentina #IdiditagainPHOTOS

2018-07-18 14:12
王嘉尔 Instagram


. Mexico! ?? ???? ??\ud569?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?\ud130 ???? ?? ?? ???? ???? ??? ?? ???? Mexico, ???? ????? ??? ? ??? ?? \ud560?? ??? ? ?????? ??\ud574? Mexico! . Mexico! 非常感谢你们 上舞台之前就已感受到你们的热情了 这是我第一次在墨西哥 美丽的国家有着美丽的人?? 希望我们下次还可以见 我保证下次表演会更好 谢谢你Mexico! . Mexico! Thank you so much !! You guys were just amazing I could feel the passion before I even got on stage First time in Mexico, Beautiful country with beautiful people?? Hope to see you all next time when we get back, and I promise you, it will be a better show. Thank you Mexico . Mexico!! Muchas gracias!! Ustedes son lo mejor Pude sentir toda su pasion que me entregaron en el escenario, en nuestra primera vez en Mexico. Mexico es una hermosa ciudad con hermosas personas. Los espero volver a ver la proxima vez que volvanos y les prometo sera un show mucho mejor. GRACIAS MEXICO!! . #jacksonwang #?? #王嘉爾 #GOT7 #got7worldtour2018 #eyesonyoutour #Mexico

2018-07-17 06:12
王嘉尔 Instagram


. Alrocco ft. Jackson Wang Bruce Lee 李小龙 It’s Out Check it out . Tag if you a Bruce Lee fan . @alrocco #jacksonwang #?? #王嘉爾 #BruceLee #alrocco #TEAMWANG

2018-07-15 14:47
王嘉尔 Instagram


New York! ??? ??\ud569??! @barclayscenter ?? ??\ud560???? ???? ?? ??? ??? ???? ? ?? ????? ??? ?? ??????? ??\ud558? ??? ? ??! . New York!谢谢你们的到来! 真的没有想到可以在这个场馆表演 不管在哪里,希望下次还能见面 会想念你们 一定要健健康康,下次见! . New York! Thank you everyone for making it to the show in New York Being able to perform in that venue is just incredible and unbelievable You guys made it happen Can’t wait to see you guys again, Doesn’t matter when, where we meet next time, as long as we meet Stay healthy and dope ! Physically and mentally #GOT7 #NewYork #eyesonyoutour #barclayscenter #yesistolethephotosagain

2018-07-14 13:17
王嘉尔 Instagram


Houston ? ?? ?? ?????! ??? ??? ??? ?? ??? ???? ?? ??\ud574? ? ?? ? ???? ? ???? ???! ??? ? ?? ???!! ?? ?? ?????! . Houston的时候来看表演的朋友们! 谢谢你们! 也知道你们下着雨,在外面排队 没有感冒吧? 注意身体! 我们下次再见!非常谢谢你们! . Houston! It was such a good show and thank you all for making it to the show And I know you all been waiting outside in the rain, so I hope you didn’t get a cold Take care! Thank you again! You guys were amazing, and I will definitely miss you guys?? . Tag yourself if you were in Houston #Houston #GOT7 #amazing #thankyou #yesIstoleTHEphotosAGAIN

2018-07-12 12:08