王嘉尔的Instagram头像 jacksonwang852g7 关注

New York! ??? ??\ud569??! @barclayscenter ?? ??\ud560???? ???? ?? ??? ??? ???? ? ?? ????? ??? ?? ??????? ??\ud558? ??? ? ??! . New York!谢谢你们的到来! 真的没有想到可以在这个场馆表演 不管在哪里,希望下次还能见面 会想念你们 一定要健健康康,下次见! . New York! Thank you everyone for making it to the show in New York Being able to perform in that venue is just incredible and unbelievable You guys made it happen Can’t wait to see you guys again, Doesn’t matter when, where we meet next time, as long as we meet Stay healthy and dope ! Physically and mentally #GOT7 #NewYork #eyesonyoutour #barclayscenter #yesistolethephotosagain


  • www.helloins.com/jacksonwang852g7/photos/144403.html
