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G.E.M. 邓紫棋 Instagram
G.E.M. 邓紫棋


時差讓人肚子特別餓 Jetlag is the excuse... #jetlag #breakfast #travelling #HowDoIFitInTheDressTomorrow #明天裙子穿不下了吧

2018-11-04 12:42
G.E.M. 邓紫棋 Instagram
G.E.M. 邓紫棋


見笑了,我的確是今晚的美女廚神?? 九年前的地獄廚神,洗白成功 What a comeback! Im the cooking beauty of the night! #入得廚房出得廳堂 #我是美女廚神 #多多指教 #獨孤一味番茄炒蛋 #但是是神級番茄炒蛋 #CookingBeauties #WhatAChange #Comeback

2018-11-03 22:32
G.E.M. 邓紫棋 Instagram
G.E.M. 邓紫棋


出發了!!! Here we go, @BreakThrough Prize! #travellingram #cantwait #offwhitementa #teamearly Thank you @nike ??

2018-11-03 14:17
G.E.M. 邓紫棋 Instagram
G.E.M. 邓紫棋


做夢都沒想到:我將在美國NASA演唱我的原、創、中、文、歌!!!很榮幸受到邀請成為BreakThrough Prize科學突破獎的頒獎及表演嘉賓,在堪稱科學界的奧斯卡中頒獎給對世界作出巨大貢獻的科學家們!有點小緊張,因為以前在占士邦電影裡看到Pierce Brosnan 時,根本沒想過有一天他將介紹我出場然後聽我唱歌!而且當晚唯一的另一位表演嘉賓更是我從小超級無敵仰慕的Lionel Richie 反正我好興奮好激動,必須表達一下,哈哈哈! 到時候在國際地理頻道上會有直播,而且Youtube和Facebook都有在线直播:北京時間 11月5號早上11點 / 美國時間 11月4號晚上7點 大家到時後想聽到我唱什麼歌呢? Never in a million years would I imagine performing my original song in NASA and in CHINESE!!! I’m truly humbled to attend and perform at @Breakthrough Prize (Oscars of Life Sciences) in USA to honor scientists in life sciences whom have made major impacts to the World. Slightly nervous because the legendary @LionelRichie would be the only other performer of the evening!!! Also, I love the movie James Bond 007 so much and I can’t believe @piercebrosnanofficial will be the one to intro me to the audience! SUPER EXCITED! Catch the event live as it will be televised on @na******eo in USA and also live streamed on Facebook and YouTube on Mon, Nov 5, 11am Beijing Time / Sun, Nov 4th, 7pm USA PST. Can you guess what song I will be performing? #eastmeetswest #breakthrough #breakboundaries #trulyexcited #neverinamillionyears https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FNcnaknGJ4E

2018-11-02 18:31
G.E.M. 邓紫棋 Instagram
G.E.M. 邓紫棋


期待已久,終於來到11月。 看著黃葉,感受著秋風,我也真的感覺迎來了人生裡新的一個季節。這個月會陸續有很多的第一次要跟大家分享?好期待!!! Finally its November! There are so many exciting news that I wanna share with you all. Feels like a new season of my life has come. Stay tuned!!! #新一頁 #第一次 #NewSeason #icantwait

2018-11-01 19:35
G.E.M. 邓紫棋 Instagram
G.E.M. 邓紫棋


我不過萬聖節,因為心裡只有一個聖; 所以今晚不吃糖,因為手裡只有一碗燕麥。 No trick or treat tonight, oatmeal only lol. #11月快來了 #很多第一次要跟大家公佈 #所以讓造型提前曝光 #不是為了應節 #她是被以為是瘋子的天才 #NoHalloweenForMe #OnlyGod #SpoilerAlert

2018-10-31 16:23
G.E.M. 邓紫棋 Instagram
G.E.M. 邓紫棋


因為我的家族有癌症病史,而乳癌又是中港兩地最多婦女罹患的頭號癌症,所以最近我接受了一個癌症基因測試來了解自己患上遺傳性癌症疾病的風險。很幸運地,我的測試結果呈陰性,意味著我並沒有因為基因遺傳而有特別高的患癌風險,這讓我如釋重負。但讓我更安心的是現在的科技能讓我們獲得如此寶貴的信息,因為就算我的報告結果呈陽性,我也寧願及早知道並採取預防措施,改善生活方式,防範於未然。 Because of my family history of cancer, and after learning that breast cancer has become the most common type affecting women in China, I recently took a cancer screening DNA test to find out if I am at risk. And while I felt a huge weight being lifted when the results came back negative, what was even more of a relief was being given the gift of knowledge. Even if I carried a cancer-causing gene, I would much rather know so that I could take preventative measures and make appropriate lifestyle changes, before the disease got a chance to manifest – i.e. valuable information that was deprived to my Grandma. #粉紅十月 #國際乳癌關注月 #PinkOctober #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth Read my story: https://link.medium.com/ofGgEtH8oR

2018-10-29 16:02
G.E.M. 邓紫棋 Instagram
G.E.M. 邓紫棋


最討厭在我吃到一半的時候硬是要我看鏡頭??? #昨天拍了19個小時MV #拍完必須吃飯糰獎勵自己 #台灣飯糰好吃到爆 #吃完才去機場 #那一夜MV重拍完成

2018-10-27 18:33
G.E.M. 邓紫棋 Instagram
G.E.M. 邓紫棋


When people wanna give you a high five but nah.... lol #勉強的highfive

2018-10-26 21:56
G.E.M. 邓紫棋 Instagram
G.E.M. 邓紫棋



2018-10-25 21:25
G.E.M. 邓紫棋 Instagram
G.E.M. 邓紫棋


我的睡房。 #myhome #mybedroom #travellingram

2018-10-24 17:52
G.E.M. 邓紫棋 Instagram
G.E.M. 邓紫棋


腳踏實地 Stay grounded #吐掉毒蘋果 #新EP毒蘋果 #倒數兩天

2018-10-24 12:29