G.E.M. 邓紫棋的Instagram头像 gem0816 关注

因為我的家族有癌症病史,而乳癌又是中港兩地最多婦女罹患的頭號癌症,所以最近我接受了一個癌症基因測試來了解自己患上遺傳性癌症疾病的風險。很幸運地,我的測試結果呈陰性,意味著我並沒有因為基因遺傳而有特別高的患癌風險,這讓我如釋重負。但讓我更安心的是現在的科技能讓我們獲得如此寶貴的信息,因為就算我的報告結果呈陽性,我也寧願及早知道並採取預防措施,改善生活方式,防範於未然。 Because of my family history of cancer, and after learning that breast cancer has become the most common type affecting women in China, I recently took a cancer screening DNA test to find out if I am at risk. And while I felt a huge weight being lifted when the results came back negative, what was even more of a relief was being given the gift of knowledge. Even if I carried a cancer-causing gene, I would much rather know so that I could take preventative measures and make appropriate lifestyle changes, before the disease got a chance to manifest – i.e. valuable information that was deprived to my Grandma. #粉紅十月 #國際乳癌關注月 #PinkOctober #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth Read my story: https://link.medium.com/ofGgEtH8oR


  • www.helloins.com/gem0816/photos/145611.html
