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吳宗憲 Jacky Wu

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吴宗宪 Instagram


台中有太多好玩的地方了 光一兩天是不夠的 而且還經過了之前辦簽唱會的地方 好懷念啊 #台中 #審計新村 #逢甲夜市 #美好年代 #美術園道 #塔可市集

2020-07-13 00:18
吴宗宪 Instagram


Not just an entertainer! But also a magician, director, good father, sweet husband... #artnews

2020-07-10 18:27
吴宗宪 Instagram


小時候住在外婆家的時候 對面就是這樣的老房子 當時還寫了梯田這首歌 內容就是在說希望保有這樣的老房子 老建築 如果方文山有這樣的工作室 歌詞應該不用等太久 台北如果有這樣的老房子要出售或出租 @我喔

2020-07-09 19:14
吴宗宪 Instagram


Yes! It’s me #basketball #piano #nunchucks #magic My kinda things These works were actually completed last year. As I haven’t been able to perform in concerts as of late, I wanna share some of these artwork with everyone @kbernhardt2014

2020-07-09 02:05
吴宗宪 Instagram


Feel like sharing one of my newly collected artworks, but the artist might have been talking to some people in the background while in the studio. For privacy’s sake, I found a song from 16 years ago to pair with this video. The lyrics kinda go with this imagery @thoughtsondeck @hauserwirth

2020-07-08 01:09
吴宗宪 Instagram


Vaca vibe #vacation #goodvibes

2020-07-05 18:24
吴宗宪 Instagram


I shot this picture of Romeo — The prince returning to his castleThat theme song which I sang for the Now You See Me 2 movie really goes well with this pic! الأمير يعود إلى القلعة

2020-07-04 18:32
吴宗宪 Instagram


請叫我秋名山車神 #頭文字d #秋名山 #藤原拓海

2020-07-03 00:42
吴宗宪 Instagram


猜猜是誰的錄音室 拍攝新廣告 @tudorwatch Yesterday, I directed my new Tudor commercial! Looking forward to its release. Stay tuned! Born to dare! #BB58 #碧灣1958型 #borntodare

2020-07-01 14:24
吴宗宪 Instagram


下雨天 最適合看畫喝咖啡 當然還要有音樂 現場如果沒音樂 畫裡面至也要有 On rainy days, it’s nice to be enjoying a cup of coffee and appreciating paintings with beautiful music to go with. But if there isn’t music in the background, the paintings should at least have music coming from them✌\ud83c\udffb

2020-04-23 19:38
吴宗宪 Instagram


Hahah 最好是 @willliu107

2020-04-22 19:19
吴宗宪 Instagram


開始創作了 #albertoehlen

2020-04-20 11:22
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