G.E.M. 邓紫棋的Instagram头像 gem0816 关注

聽說Queen of Hearts巡演高雄站的門票在兩分鐘內被秒殺 台灣棋士們好厲害! 三月和四月期間,Queen of Hearts會去到澳門、美加、馬來西亞和台灣。很期待見到各地的棋士!但其實每次還沒開唱就已經不捨,因為不知道這一次演唱完之後,何時能再見到大家。 此處響起我在《倒數》裡所寫的: 「時針一直倒數著 我們剩下的快樂 此刻相擁的狂熱 卻永遠都深刻」 對於對我義無反顧的你們,我能做的就是: 「一點一滴每一天珍惜 用盡每一口氣 好好的愛你」 I heard that Queen of Hearts @ Kaohsiung was sold out in 2mins!!! Thanks to all the Gloryers in Taiwan! Look forward to also seeing you guys in Macau, Canada, US, and Malaysia in March and April! Its a mixed feeling everytime seeing you guys because I dont know when I’ll be performing for you again. But as I have written in the song Tiktok, I guess all we can do is to cherish every moment we have together! Love you guys! See you soon! #棋士 #Gloryers


  • www.helloins.com/gem0816/photos/145872.html
