Avril Lavigne的Instagram头像 avrillavigne 关注

Like many others, I’ve had a hard time knowing what is the “right thing” to say about the ongoing tragedies that the Black community have been facing for far too long. I’ve been following incredible leaders and important voices and learning more and more each day. One of the people whose message and leadership has resonated with me on many levels is Kendrick Sampson (@Kendrick38). Kendrick is from Houston, and is an actor and an activist, known onscreen for his roles in Vampire Diaries, How to Get Away with Murder, and most recently, HBO’s Insecure. Offscreen, his radical and unapologetic approach to activism led him to co-create BLD PWR (“build power”), a nonprofit initiative to build a community of freedom fighters within the entertainment industry to liberate oppressed and vulnerable communities. You may have seen or heard Kendrick over the past few weeks on the front lines of the protests in LA, on CNN and other major news networks, doing Instagram lives with everyone from Sherrilyn Ifill (@NAACP_LDF President) to Kerry Washington, or as an invited speaker at @CAAAmplify’s “Town Hall.” He is the definition of a “WARRIOR”, using his beautiful spirit to inspire others and his voice to lead an entire movement. I’m honored to have Kendrick taking over my Instagram account Friday, in order to continue educating us all. Thank you Kendrick, for your ongoing fight for justice and equality.


  • www.helloins.com/avrillavigne/photos/161244.html
